Friday, 5 October 2007
BREASTS is the word this month
I just want to share this very valueable information with you - from Cancer research UK
Check your breasts for signs of breast cancer
If you are a woman, your breasts will change in size and shape at different times in your life and during the menstrual cycle. Knowing what your breasts feel like at different times of the month can help you notice any changes.
Be breast aware
Early detection of breast cancer can save lives.
Follow the five point code:
1 - know what is normal for you
2 - look at and feel your breasts
3 - know what changes to look for
4 - report any changes without delay
5 - go for breast screening if you are 50 or over
Check your breasts in a way that's comfortable for you, perhaps in the bath or shower.
Changes to look out for
It is often women themselves who first notice their breast cancer.
Look for:
* changes in the size, shape or feel of your breasts
*a new lump or thickening in one breast or armpit
* puckering, dimpling or redness of the skin
* changes in the position of the nipple or nipple discharge
* new pain or discomfort that is only on one side.
There may be many reasons for the change other than breast cancer. But report anything unusual to your doctor straight away.
That's all from me for now. all of you reading this that are taking part in the cyber crop on UKScrappers then i wish you all the best of luck.
Happy scrapping!
A xxxx
Posted by Skippie at 21:45 1 comments
breast awareness,
breast cancer,
cyber crop,
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Good blogger, bad blogger
OK, ok, ok I know which category I come under but I've been busy. Too busy to blog? I hear you shout but I have this and that and this again to deal with but I'm baaaaack :D
Have you missed me? I've missed you all.
So, where do I start? Eeeek I haven't the foggiest to be honest it's been such a long time that I just want to get stuck in so to speak. I need to promise myself that i'll remember to pop in daily.
First things first. The smoking. Yuk, I can't beleive I was even a smoker once. Needless to say I won't be going back to the cigs. I'm doing great. Days 1-3 hit me hard but after that it was ok, and then plain sailing after day 7 :D I'm so very proud of myself.
What have I been up to recently? Well not a lot to be honest as I've been quite poorly with the M.E again. Still waiting to see a specialist and although I'm suffering apparantly according to the DWP I'm not ill enough for help. What goes around I say...*insert cross face*
I found these cute little wooden bricks in a neat toy shop that specialises in hand made wooden toys. i thought they'd look awesome altered. Hope you like them :)
I have used Love, Elsie papers a random stamp 'original artwork by' and black and a lime green cats eye chalk ink.
OK, that's me for now I best go try get an hour or two sleep. Take care all and I'll try my best to return later today or tomorrow.
Bye for now
Anna xxx
Posted by Skippie at 04:49 0 comments