Saturday, 7 July 2007

I have news!!!!

I stopped smoking again!!!!!
I am on day 7, 1 hour and 26 minutes as I type this!
I failed miserably last time but I will succeed this time! It WILL NOT beat me :D
I feel pants at the mo though, but apparently it's to be expected. I have the whole nasal thing going on. And with the weather changing the pollen is now affecting me too. I'm itching, sneezing, coughing and wheezing but I'm confident it will go away soon. Oooh, imagine if I had that for life...yuk!
It's been kind of hard with a hubby who smokes heavily, but I'm strong and I can do it :)

I can't exactly remember where I read this but apparently cravings last for a maximum of three minutes each time. In the first few days when I had a crave I thought of something nice and timed myself to 3.5 minutes. It was all over before I knew it. I'm pretty sure that cravings in my case are all psychological as I'm on Champix pills. These act by blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain. One of the side effects is they make cigarettes taste awful after a few days. of course they do suggest that you don't smoke while taking them but if you do you soon regret it. I think that's the perfect side-effect!
Anyway, day 7 now and there's no going back. Saying that though, this is about the time I fail miserably and go back to being a smoker and falling back into the same old routine. I just need a little support and I know I'll manage to kick the nasty habit once and for all.

I've started crocheting - I'll add a little pic here tomorrow at some point when it's daylight and will update regularly so you can all see it's 'growth'. I've started off with purple - my fave colour and I'm now on grey lol!
My dear mother taught me - but it was more a case of "you're not leaving 'til you've managed to 'get it' "LOL! I love you Mum x

And on another subject, I'm looking for a new scrapbook. I love scrapping in 11"x8.5" now so I'm keeping my eyes opened for a good bargain. I've been using the Papermania ones as I really like the price and the quality. I currently have a lilac one so I might stick to the same colour and have them as a set or buy a diferent colour. What do YOU think?
I have found these PM ones here on Artbase ,so I might have another think about it tonight before spending :)
I have also found two rather cheaper ones by SEI and they are here and here and finally here on the lovely Just a Memory website. At under £8 I think they are fantastic :D

Anyway, it's almost 2am (BST) so i think I better head off up the wooden hill now. catch you all soon x

Take care of yourselves xxxx

Anna x
Extra xxx's for all of those who are trying to give up smoking/have given up smoking.
Keep at it! Together we'll do it!

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